Nandos Laucala Bay i Suva

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Laucala Bay Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 890 4414
Latitude: -18.1483634, Longitude: 178.4507195
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Kommentar 5

  • Melvin Lal

    Melvin Lal


    Loved the food in here. Peri peri chicken is so tasty.

  • Simon Vale

    Simon Vale


    Great food, Nandos always hits the spot and was no different to Nandos in New Zealand . Could do with. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar though

  • Dean Solofa

    Dean Solofa


    The dine-in experience is not very pleasant though the staff are polite and friendly enough. The interior is need of an overhaul or refresh badly as it looks like it isn't cared for as a place to have a nice meal with family or friends. As a result I normally do takeaways, seems most of their customers do too, which begs the question why even bother being a restaurant vs just a fast food styled operation focused on takeaways.

  • Roneel Singh

    Roneel Singh


    Relaxed atmosphere and great food... A good way to calm urself..... All you need after a hard day at the office... And the service is on par as well.... Highly recommended.....

  • Yash Patel

    Yash Patel


    It’s good but could be better, food taste good sometimes, sometimes it’s amazing and sometimes it just burnt. The place does need to improve its interior lighting and air conditioning system it gets too hot and the back and there’s no lighting. I just feels like a outdated restaurant

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