Dan's Fish & Chips i Suva

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Laucala Bay Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679
Latitude: -18.1483378, Longitude: 178.4511751
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Kommentar 5

  • RohitRenuka Kumar

    RohitRenuka Kumar


    have been to Dan's fish & Chips over several years. The quality of food remains good. can never complain about taste. But since last year, August probably Dan's Fish & Chips posted on it's wall inside the restaurant that it supports the reduction in plastic. Yet each and every customer who buys take away is given the fish & chips (or other food) in a plastic bag. No question asked. so i am not sure how serious Dan's is on supporting the environment, or probably the person at the cash register has not read the notice on the wall. It will also help if they dont supply straws as well

  • nagatalevu70



    Nice food and staff

  • Daniel Lobendahn

    Daniel Lobendahn


    Dan's Fish & Chips was birthed back in 2003 out of our company name which is called "TOBIAH" in Hebrew means "GOD is Good".Dan is the husband /partner in the business.Because of His popular name through local and international RUGBY and Soccer it was decided to use Dan's as a catchphrase. We have been so blessed by the faithful thousands who have patronized our Service Stations from the days when BPs were in FIJI and now Pacific Energy. GOD BLESS and Thank You for your faithful support...watch out the best is yet to come...Malo bula...

  • Aivine Tuipulotu

    Aivine Tuipulotu


    Beautiful fish and chips...it has a good taste of the fish. But not too much potato chips... roast chicken is tasty too...

  • Daniel Livino

    Daniel Livino


    Lovely fish and chips. Close to the seawall means you take a short drive and eat by the ocean.

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