Traps Bar i Suva

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305, Victoria Parade, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 2922
Latitude: -18.1428627, Longitude: 178.4234435
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Kommentar 5

  • David Naylor

    David Naylor


    Bar staff are friendly, shots are deadly. Music can be hit and miss. But definitely should be on the radar for trips to Suva's night life. Watch your belongings as despite security presence, thieves abound and will make light work of relieving you of your phone, bags and jackets.

  • Leslie Dakua

    Leslie Dakua


    Happy hour 5-9pm. Buy one get one free

  • sirex tokai

    sirex tokai


    A very good place to chill & hangout. Very decent. Neat & staff are very helpful. Safe place to hangout. Can't smoke in the club but they have a place allocated for smoking. Toilets are very clean. Pool table also available. AirCon is nice & cold. Keep up the good work traps.

  • Jubilante J Cutting

    Jubilante J Cutting


    It's not too bad.

  • Aisea Solomone

    Aisea Solomone


    Best place to go to if you're looking for good music. Be sure to catch some amazing live entertainment from local band's. The staff are friendly and helpful and it's an overall good experience. It's very safe and good for a few drinks after work.

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