TOTAL Laucala i Nasinu

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Ratu Dovi Road, Nasinu, Rewa, FJ Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 339 2350
Latitude: -18.1134263, Longitude: 178.4765668
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Kommentar 5

  • Jack Sparrow

    Jack Sparrow


    Lots of space for parking

  • yale mercer

    yale mercer


    Wouldn't have a clue why people would do a stock take are one of the busiest times of day but they seem to do it every month and they do the same when they change shift they must have too much money and don't realize the amount of income there loosing

  • Ritesh Kumar

    Ritesh Kumar


    Well presented service station having car wash and vehicle service center. It also has Gloria jeans cafe

  • Shashi Neha

    Shashi Neha


    A very well organized fuel station...having all basic facilities a fuel station should have.

  • Sanjeet Chand

    Sanjeet Chand


    Very nice customer service. It also has gloria jeans coffee shop. Coffee drive through gets a bit congested as ther coffee orders take time. There is also a car wash at the back. The car wash is of average quality and does not have fixed opening hours. That depends if the car wash boys are available for their shifts.

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