Maya Dhaba i Suva

Åben kort
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281, Victoria Parade, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 0045
Latitude: -18.142407, Longitude: 178.4234562
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Kommentar 5

  • Ken Rubin

    Ken Rubin


    excellent Indian food, spicy, but not overly. modern atmosphere.

  • Ramesh Chand Vishwakarma

    Ramesh Chand Vishwakarma


    Poor Quality Fijian style taste... Not An India taste!

  • Prince Bhavik

    Prince Bhavik


    Nothing wrong with the food apart from the amount of meat you get and the fat still on it. Each to their own. When this place first opened they had done things differently but still good food none the less.

  • Radhika Ram

    Radhika Ram


    Visitors from Sydney may know the sister company Maya Sweets in Surry Hills. A large extensive menu features the staples of Indian restaurant dining with specials on particular days from the varied cuisine of the subcontinent. Catering to the local tastes for spice and heat may be challenging for the less adventurous types. The restaurant is bright, clean and modern, and situated in the heart of the local night spots - it is best to park across the road in the Civic tower area than along the street unless you are walking in a group.

  • Iman Yusoff

    Iman Yusoff


    Good food! Fast service! The joint is not halal certified as they serve alcohol but all meat served are halal and there is no pork in this restaurant! So far best meal we had in Suva! :)

Nærmeste Restaurant:

The Bread Factory Cafe

255 Victoria Parade, Suva
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