Mamacita Mexican Restaurant i Suva

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Grantham Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 327 0017
Latitude: -18.1452538, Longitude: 178.4476692
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Kommentar 5

  • Lawrence Lee

    Lawrence Lee


    Good and friendly customer service and the food was great

  • Tupou Browne

    Tupou Browne


    Always get the steak when we go here. And the margaritas are equally as great!

  • Matt Myers

    Matt Myers


    Best Mex/Tex Restaurant in Fiji, but nothing like those in USA.

  • Temesia Manuel

    Temesia Manuel


    Foods amazing and the cocktail/ mocktails are great. If you haven’t been and ya ur keen don’t go to the sits at the back on the side of the bar but sit in the front area so you’re not near the bathrooms and the entry exit for the kitchen. As much as I love Mexican restaurant I love the cutler and music. So that just didn’t work for me because they had so American hip hop music playing. The staff are great only if you’re open to talk first.

  • Alisha Nisha Khan

    Alisha Nisha Khan


    I would recommend this to any Fijian or person in Fiji searching for an average to good Mexican place to eat. This is the closest it does get to good Mexican food. Be prepared for an expensive menu however the ambiance and staff more than make up for it.

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