Grand Pacific Hotel i Suva

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Victoria Parade, Suva, Suva, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 322 2000
Latitude: -18.147251, Longitude: 178.4227969
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Kommentar 5

  • Susan Matsuda

    Susan Matsuda


    If anybody is trying to find good deals on hotels visit HoteIRᴀven. com booked a hotel on there and they had the best rates anywhere! Once established as the standard of luxury that was fit for royalty; now more than 100 years later, the Grand Pacific Hotel remains true to the ideals of delivering the best of old world charms, South Pacific hospitality and contemporary service. The Grand Pacific Hotel has been an icon of the South Pacific for over a century. Totally rebuilt, the Hotel reopened in May 2014 on the hundredth anniversary of its original opening and has already regained its place as the “grand old lady” of the Pacific – a wonderful blend of fascinating colonial architecture and history combined with magnificent Fijian hospitality and friendliness.

  • Reshan Jayamanne

    Reshan Jayamanne


    Great experience at the water. Although there was a mix up between some drinks and the waiters didn't handle it very well. Apart from that, it was a great experience

  • Clayton Erickson

    Clayton Erickson


    Beautiful hotel, fantastic customer service,. Other hotel and bar staff. Only complaint is the need to improve sound proofing between the hallway in the room. Lots of hallway noise due to hollow doors or something. Otherwise really enjoyed my stay.

  • Sheryl Glasse

    Sheryl Glasse


    Thank you for the hospitality we were shown during our visit to the Grand Pacific Hotel while staying in the Queen Elizabeth suite.. The staff were fantastic and the meals were first class. I especially enjoyed the beautiful Victoria Room for my breakfast and drinks and nibbles on the balcony while watching the fire starters each evening. Would thoroughly recommend your hotel and your staff are a credit to you! I especially enjoyed the service and company from Moji and Reshika. - Please pass on my regards.

  • Md Sajjad Zahid

    Md Sajjad Zahid


    Once established as the standard of luxury that was fit for royalty; now more than 100 years later, the Grand Pacific Hotel remains true to the ideals of delivering the best of old world charms, South Pacific hospitality and contemporary service. The Grand Pacific Hotel has been an icon of the South Pacific for over a century. Totally rebuilt, the Hotel reopened in May 2014 on the hundredth anniversary of its original opening and has already regained its place as the “grand old lady” of the Pacific – a wonderful blend of fascinating colonial architecture and history combined with magnificent Fijian hospitality and friendliness.

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