Dreams Homestay i Suva

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88, Kaunitoni Street, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 938 8885
Latitude: -18.1291454, Longitude: 178.4606749
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Kommentar 5

  • TFT's Life

    TFT's Life


  • James Chetty

    James Chetty


    L zzoqqq

  • Camelia Lilloux

    Camelia Lilloux


    Aucun étoile.. Je vous déconseille.. Not a place to go

  • Kim Steele

    Kim Steele


    I haven't stayed in many homestays, but I imagine it's pretty straightforward, as was this accommodation. You should not expect turn-down service or luxury views, since this is or was just a family home in suburbia. I arrived without having called ahead (as was stipulated on my booking sheet, oops!) but nevertheless Jack was happy to greet me and give me a quick tour. It's a house, a family home, not much to it. I was given a choice of rooms, since more than one was available. The room is quite spacious, with room under the bed or in a closet (BYO padlock) for luggage storage, a fan and a mosquito net. Wifi is included, and is ostensibly 'unlimited' but Jack asks that there is no 'streaming or downloading'. Fair enough. The house isn't exactly up to code by 'western standards', no. If you've never lived anywhere with mould on the ceiling or a dirty cooktop or unclean toilet, then this place might surprise you. If these kinds of thing aren't your cup of tea, consider trying somewhere else. But considering the accommodation and Jack's hospitality, I'd say that for the price, this place does alright.

  • Sheetal Osterhoudt

    Sheetal Osterhoudt


    Thank you for having us. Looking forward to Fiji.

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