DownUnder Pub i Suva - City Center

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54, Carnarvon Street, Suva - City Center, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 330 2538
Latitude: -18.1440447, Longitude: 178.4238079
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Kommentar 5

  • Marie Kate

    Marie Kate


    i hate the contant damp smell when entering the nightclub despite that the bouncers are friendly ,also the toilet lights in the ladies and mens went off and they did nothing about it....but it was a fun night despite all those issues,hope they fix it

  • Sairusi Vakalala

    Sairusi Vakalala


    Loved the new extension upstairs..the air con and the area is spacioua

  • Salote Viniasi

    Salote Viniasi


    I love the place.. very neat and tidy.. customer service very good.

  • Benedito Qumi

    Benedito Qumi


    Safe night club. Separated smokers lounge from the dance floor allows space for dancers and those who prefer a publike setting. Simple toilets with swing door accessibility

  • Red Kinivuwai

    Red Kinivuwai


    It's fun... but not both billiard tables are working...

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