Damodar Cinemas i Suva

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Grantham Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fidżi
Kontakter telefon: +679 327 5100
Hjemmeside: www.damodareventcinemas.com.fj
Latitude: -18.1455711, Longitude: 178.4478522
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Kommentar 5

  • Talei Wilson

    Talei Wilson


    Good place to take your kids to, watch movies grab a bite, do your grocery shopping or just relaxing with a cuppa tea ☕ everything you need under one roof 😍

  • Dawnette Lailai

    Dawnette Lailai


    It's good but the seats are starting to stink of putrid sweat and body odour... I think carpet shampoo is much needed and air freshner....

  • Koroi Tadulala

    Koroi Tadulala


    Awesome place to hang out OR to grab some food with friends or family. Has a huge parking space, a cinema and a great Bars for winding down. Gloria Jeans has the best coffee around here. Check it out!

  • Rajniel Lal

    Rajniel Lal


    Good theaters... bad popcorn.. smell and taste like burnt

  • Krystle Ho

    Krystle Ho


    Movie experience at Damodar Cinemas is far superior to other cinemas in Fiji. Comfortable and spacious seats with a proper incline so you're not stuck looking up at the screen or at the back of someones head for the whole movie. Clean facilities, good snack bar, reasonable pricing on the standard and 'VMAX' cinemas. Only issues are: sound is rarely adjusted to suit movie (explosions, high pitched music, etc. are murder on the eardrums' - power failure, once in a while the entire cinema goes out, then you sit and wait for them to restore it. Which brings up another issue, the staff are normally friendly and helpful, but when one of these unexpected outages occur, not a single person will tell you whats happening. Recently such a shortage occurred right at the pivotal part of the movie... then the audio started and took over 15 minutes before someone realised and stopped it, rewound it, then it happened again... full cinema, sitting, waiting, some walking out & returning later, over 30 minutes, and no word on what the status was, if they were attempting to put it back on, or if we should leave. Just 4 staff members standing at the entrance talking and laughing. But that occurs once in a blue moon. 3 times for me over the last 2 years.

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