Bad Dog Cafe i Suva

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🕗 Åbningstider

Victoria Parade, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fidżi
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 2884
Latitude: -18.1417173, Longitude: 178.4234249
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Kommentar 5

  • Suzanne Moon

    Suzanne Moon


    The food is absurdly expensive. Do not order the hamburgers. Just don't come here. Go to the one in Damodar.

  • Masi Curulala

    Masi Curulala


    1 of the best cafe in town, especially it's center locations to most of the top night clubs. Must visit place in Suva

  • Temesia Manuel

    Temesia Manuel


    Bad dog have an amazing variety on their menu. The whole restaurant bar have a great layout for groups to intimate friends dinning and even on your own for coffee. The dessert menu too is amazing from the presentation to the recipe.

  • David Naylor

    David Naylor


    Quintessentially part of the Suva scene. Good bar with decent happy hour prices, TV for sports, great staff, food is generally decent. It is currently under renovation, probably reopening early in 2018.

  • www



    The food was good Earl Grey tea in pots, small pots so I had to drink 3. Bruscheta was very good The Pizza had too much cheese, it was OK but could have been better. And no oregano available at a restaurant with pizza! Chocolate mousse, very good and real whipped cream. I had two chocolate mousse with EXTRA whipped cream

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