Albert Park i Suva

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Victoria Parade, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679
Latitude: -18.1472049, Longitude: 178.4249394
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Kommentar 5

  • Miliana Cokanavula

    Miliana Cokanavula


    Ideal spot for your early morning walk with a lovely view of dawn.

  • Ramit Kumar

    Ramit Kumar


    Perfect place until it doesnt rain.

  • Sukhde Joshi

    Sukhde Joshi


    A great place for a game of bat and ball... the pitch is simply awesome.

  • Shawnal Kumar

    Shawnal Kumar


    Great place to play and chill out with friends. IF you play Pokémon Go, this place is one of the best spawn / Pokestop points

  • Darran'n'Mue Fisher

    Darran'n'Mue Fisher


    Albert park has a long and distinguished history for Fiji and the Pacific. It’s where Sir Kingsford Smith landed the “Southern Cross” in his epic trans-Pacific flight in 1928. Where Queen Elizabeth the 2nd visited on one of her royal tours to Fiji. For many decades it was the host ground to the world famous in Fiji, Hibiscus Carnival. In the last couple of years the park has undergone a remarkable transformation. The old stand/pavilion was demolished and a new one built on the other side. The grounds were given a total makeover and raised with new drainage and the resemblance is of a Fijian version of the MCG where cricket is played during the cricket season amongst a whole host of other sports.

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