Shop N Save, Nabua i Suva

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Suva, Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 338 3400
Latitude: -18.122714, Longitude: 178.4577982
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Kommentar 5

  • Roneel Singh

    Roneel Singh


    A bit crowded because iys busy mostly during the weekends... Parking is limited in frontage of the shop.

  • John Lal

    John Lal


    lovely place to do your shopping..lots of parking space,frendly staffs,also its close to other shopping centers to choose shopping there!

  • Kara Fotofili

    Kara Fotofili


    Shop N Save is my favorite Supermarket. The name says it all. Perfect n convenient place for shopping😊

  • Taniela Matai

    Taniela Matai


    Has a good spacious parking space, supermarket that has all the needed groceries for a family, a bread shop, postal services, butcher, bus station and taxi non stop center.

  • Daunivakasala Kalitabua Ravunakana

    Daunivakasala Kalitabua Ravunakana


    I often shop here, it has great parking space, located next to a hardware shop,barber shop, vegetable market, butcher, bread shop, liquor shop, bus station, taxi stand, easy access to and from Suva or Nausori. The prices of goods are great for medium and low income earners.

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