Nands i Suva

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

550, Ratu Mara Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 994 0017
Latitude: -18.1209532, Longitude: 178.4590696
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Kommentar 5

  • James Tuitoga

    James Tuitoga


    The place is at the center of the city, Near the Sea side, Close to restaurants and other amenties.

  • John Lal

    John Lal


    lots of space,safe and frendly people working there! it!

  • Rogue Ride

    Rogue Ride


    Good place but some people need to smile while entering at any shop around...

  • Dean Solofa

    Dean Solofa


    Convenient to SPC offices and has a useful assortment of shops for quick stops.

  • Fabiano Moraes

    Fabiano Moraes


    I alway come to the UNIVERSAL CHURCH in the first floor and have seen God's power in there. Anyone who believes God can help them come join us. Sunday 9:30am (Bring a bottle of water)

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