Nasese Medical Center i Suva

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62, Ratu Sukuna Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 9233
Latitude: -18.1564393, Longitude: 178.4278048
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Kommentar 5

  • bimal krishna

    bimal krishna


    very poor services, gives priority to patients related to staff members rather than those who have come in earlier with appointments. also, the doctors have to come out of their cabins and request the receptionists to send in patients as the receptionists are too busy on their mobile phones....

  • Ariel Marr

    Ariel Marr


    Fabulous efficient reception service - in spite of the large number of patients waiting every day, they ensure that we sign in and are seen in proper order. I recommend Dr Virgilio De Asa Junior (Dr Jay) very highly. His consultations are never rushed, he always ensures that I understand his diagnosis and his patient care is unrivaled.

  • Marica Masere

    Marica Masere


    Husband had hip replacement at the clinic was great and service was awesome spent 3 days at the clinic now relocating at home

  • Sathira Fernando

    Sathira Fernando


    Great place but the reception could be better

  • kelera tabua

    kelera tabua


    Ah it didn't have what I needed 😊

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