MIOT Pacific Hospitals i Suva

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Amy Street, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fidżi
Kontakter telefon: +679 330 3404
Hjemmeside: www.miotpacifichospitals.com.fj
Latitude: -18.1371514, Longitude: 178.4318956
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Kommentar 5

  • Camila Agusty

    Camila Agusty


    DO NOT COME HERE !!! I recommend find somewhere else, a clinic, a private doctor, or a house call doctor, anything but this hospital. Their services is not worth the time or the money. Their appointment system are useless! You literally wait 3-4 hours just for a 10 minutes consultation. This is nothing like a private hospital standard!!!

  • Shabina Khan

    Shabina Khan


    This hospital's services are going down the drain. Waiting time is more than two to three hours. Totally unacceptable as it's a high paying service. They haven't invested in women's health care at all, only have one gynecologist and a million patients. Maybe they're competing with the public hospital standards.

  • Trishaal Khatri

    Trishaal Khatri


    This place is full although and it takes time for them to look at patients from one to another. take for about it will take you half a day to get your checkup done.

  • Fiji AllStars

    Fiji AllStars


    This is NOT a private hospital it's just a private business driven solely by money that isn't matched by professionalism or care expected when going private.They do not follow ethical standard practises nor do they follow any basic medical hygienic and safety procedures when dealing with medications-no charts,no gloves when handling IV's and the list could go on and minimal parent/doctor communication on the issue and proposed solution.We got so worried we had to get Australian High Commission involved to investigate in order to finally get our son proper advise by them which didn't require surgery or medication as recommended at MIOT!!!!Do not be fooled....worse than ever....avoid if you can!!!!

  • Tony Ramano

    Tony Ramano


    Best services in fiji! waiting time may vary, but what else do you expect? it's a hospital

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