Fiji Museum i Suva

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Cakobau Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 5944
Latitude: -18.149666, Longitude: 178.425735
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Kommentar 5

  • Wendy Hazeldine

    Wendy Hazeldine


    Well worth the visit, especially if you can spend hours looking at the exhibits.

  • Shlo Mo

    Shlo Mo


    Museum is small and could do better with more exhibits given fiji's rich colonial history. Maybe some videos and adding an elevator for the mobility challenged.

  • riteshni lata

    riteshni lata


    A very nice place to go for field trips for students who study social science or history. Someone truly said that history repeats itself.

  • Dean Solofa

    Dean Solofa


    A very precious institution to have, Suva is lucky to have its own public museum catering to the capture of natural and Fiji and Pacific history. Staff are very helpful and informative of the collections and the collections themselves are super interesting and educational. Always great for a weekend visit and the cafe they're serves great meals and good coffee.

  • Tisha Wedhorn

    Tisha Wedhorn


    Although small in comparison to most museum due to under funding by Government. The museum is well kept and artifacts are well stored too. My kids and I enjoyed the visit. If you are reading this please support the museum by visiting them. Thank you.

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