Governor's Museum Themed Restaurant i Suva

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46 Knolly Street, Suva, Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 337 5050
Latitude: -18.144485, Longitude: 178.43094
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Kommentar 5

  • Darran'n'Mue Fisher

    Darran'n'Mue Fisher


    A great restaurant that has a nostalgic feel for the pacific. The food is always great, it’s clean and the service is good even when it’s busy.

  • John Sanday

    John Sanday


    Great cafe and a step back to the old SuvaI grew up in. They have captured that atmosphere very well. Always a good experience there and the food is class.

  • rony soerakoesoemah

    rony soerakoesoemah


    ill be back . a really super resto harking the colonial days of today...wonderful Asian inspired menu but westernized ...excellent choices of the day with extensive drinks..take a walk around very interesting set up with photos all around and a blue lagoon poster! an in-house souvenir shop..a must drop in for everyone in Suva

  • Fatima Ahmed

    Fatima Ahmed


    The food is good and the service is excellent, with very attentive and friendly staff. The real draw here is the decor - the walls are covered with vintage posters (of movies filmed in Fiji, dating back to the 1930s), old photographs and maps. Even the place mats on the table are reproductions of old Fiji newspapers. Highly recommend taking some time to go through the 'museum' portion of the restaurant.

  • Krishnamurthy Sridhar

    Krishnamurthy Sridhar


    A very good theme based restaurant in Suva. Amazing ambiance. The owners seems to have great taste. You will find some original photos of Hollywood, some amazing postage stamps, great piece of artwork and some rare South Pacific islands photos. Spend some time to go through the museum. It is worth it. Food quality is good and service is very good. Pricing is slightly on a higher side but it's worth it.

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