Cafe Victoria i Suva - City Center

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Suva - City Center, Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 2002
Latitude: -18.1404687, Longitude: 178.4237802
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Kommentar 5

  • Pei Ragigia

    Pei Ragigia


    Cafe Victoria customer service is second to none ! Great food and friendly staff ! ohh and Band night every thursday is a must.

  • Dawnette Lailai

    Dawnette Lailai


    I like that they give the kids stuff to colour to keep them occupied... and their meals are awesome... worth a second visit

  • Watson Seeto

    Watson Seeto


    Great food but waitress was "lost" with our orders

  • Ariel Marr

    Ariel Marr


    A nice place to go. The menu options are pretty standard. I’ve had two poor experiences in the last 6 months and that’s why I’m giving it only three stars. The first incident was with my sister’s card being charged twice for payment and having a great difficulty afterwards with getting a refund from the owners. In the end, the staff had to issue the refund out of their own pockets because the owners were not willing to take our calls or respond to our emails. The second incident involved a half cooked nuqa (fish) ... it was still frozen on the inside when brought to our table AND the mixed grill dish also seemed to be under cooked. Other than that the staff there are fabulous.

  • Ioana Sese

    Ioana Sese


    Really love this place, we went for dinner with my friends last week Thursday, they had a live band which was awesome. The food was delicious, I ordered the prawns in cream and it was so yummy. Great place to take your family.

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