Palm Court Bistro i Suva - City Center

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Suva - City Center, Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 330 4662
Latitude: -18.1397035, Longitude: 178.4238593
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Kommentar 5

  • Mohan Lal

    Mohan Lal


    Great place to be. Excellence service and friendly staff

  • Edward Hoerder

    Edward Hoerder


    Love the food amd customer service.... always smiling

  • Prince Bhavik

    Prince Bhavik


    Always love the breakfast there. Having a big start to the day. Nice coffee but don't expect to recieve your food and coffee together if they are busy, which was the case with me and the wife. A shame also that there wasn't any poached egg option or hashbrown option instead of bread. But still pretty good. Good job guys.

  • Alitiana Yabakivitu

    Alitiana Yabakivitu


    Good place to kick start your daily routine. Nutritious fruit plateau and freshly brewed coffee.

  • Darran'n'Mue Fisher

    Darran'n'Mue Fisher


    Excellent food and service. This has been an institution in Suva for decades. A great place to eat in a courtyard setting.

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