Tanoa Plaza Hotel i Suva

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Gordon Street, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fidżi
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 2300
Hjemmeside: www.tanoaplaza.com
Latitude: -18.1438356, Longitude: 178.4263828
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Kommentar 5

  • Denise Kivell

    Denise Kivell


    Friendly obliging staff. Family friendly. Appreciated they allowed a little boy visiting his grandma to stay with her at no extra cost. Had a refreshing swim....could do with a few plants . The hotel is within easy walking to the shops. A comfortable stay...thanks

  • Fijian Jive

    Fijian Jive


    Clean rooms, amazing room service and friendly and smiling staffs ...Great for business stay overs . I will also 4 stars for restaurant and bar

  • Adam Benecke

    Adam Benecke


    Good value for money - the room service Hamburger was very good! Friendly Staff - good location for Suva City.

  • anita sharan

    anita sharan


    Booked in for a night.Just as we were about to sleep,We heard someone opening our door.As soon as we went to the door,The person from outside had removed the chain and was shocked himself to see us.It was all because the staff at the reception didn’t check the room this person was booked and didn’t even check their system to see whether she was giving the right key .The staff could only apologise but it didn’t give us any security or safely.I have travelled the world and this was my most scariest experience.So TANOA GROUP OF HOTELS please teach your staff the protocols in regard to handing out keys to rooms.I hope this doesn’t happen to the management

  • Lance Foley

    Lance Foley


    Tanora Plaza is a good place to stay in Suva, with an easy walk to the Suva Markets, shopping at the various complexes. You are also able to walk to.the Presidential House, the Museum, parliament and the library to soak up the culture. The Plaza itself is equipped with a great restaurant offering a good menu and a well stocked bar area. There is also a pool and adequate parking. The staff were extremely helpful and friendly.

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