Suva Book Shop i Suva - City Center

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5, Grieg Street, Suva - City Center, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 1355
Latitude: -18.1392286, Longitude: 178.4266149
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Kommentar 5

  • Mohammed Shahrukh Khan

    Mohammed Shahrukh Khan


    For all your Stationery needs

  • Neha Lalchandani

    Neha Lalchandani


    The Suva Book Shop is the biggest school supply store. Their book collection is complete from school textbooks, general knowledge books, and encyclopedias. They also have a printing facility for notebooks. School and office stationary collection is remarkable! Definitely the go to place when you're looking for stationary supply anytime of the year!

  • Semi Seniyasi

    Semi Seniyasi


  • yogesh reddy

    yogesh reddy


    Place to find all your school needs.

  • Koroi Tadulala

    Koroi Tadulala


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