Saffron Tandoori Restaurant Fiji i Suva

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Grantham Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fidżi
Kontakter telefon: +679 327 0017
Latitude: -18.1452117, Longitude: 178.4475756
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Kommentar 5

  • Simione Seru

    Simione Seru


    Nice place. Great food n drinks .very friendly staff and good place for family dinner out.

  • RohitRenuka Kumar

    RohitRenuka Kumar


    Lunch menu is getting expensive n quality not worth da price. Chicken biryani too oily.

  • Alisha Nisha Khan

    Alisha Nisha Khan


    :( I am so sorry Saffrom staff but a 0.5 star if i could give it. It is truly truly sad having to give this review because I have given this place so many chances and I keep coming back hoping that this stage would be better or this next dish may be better but I have come to the conclusion that this place is by far the worst depiction of Indian cuisine in Fiji. I am so sorry because I understand that stuff was very hard here and the staff is not the problem the problem is the recipe that is used to cook these dishes. To start of each and every one of these dishes have a base taste of mustard oil running through it all and it finishes off super excessively rich making you feel nauseous and overwhelmed with too much spice. It is highly important to find the balance when it comes to preparing Indian dishes especially because not every Spice Is Good spice, neither does a lot mean a lot better. Like I said it breaks my heart to give this review because I honestly really wanted this place to be good because it's super close to my house and very easy for me to drop by and get Indian food if I wanted but if you are looking for good quality genuinely tasty Indian food this is not the place for you. The half star that I did give his only because of the very hard-working staff and the Beautiful ambience that is created by the place. The prices understandably are high for the menu items because it is costly to make good quality rich dishes however when you compare the price to the quality and taste worth, it does not match up in any way. They do offer amazing food in their attached maxican restraunt though. Ask for the maxican menu if u can! U wont regret it.

  • Peter Rego

    Peter Rego


    Great night out here. Service friendly and fast. Excellent range of dishes.




    It was really nice n good was yummy

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