Colo-I-Suva Rainforest Eco Resort (Raintree Lodge) Suva w Suva

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Princess Road, Suva, Naitasiri, FJ Fidżi
Kontakt telefon: +679 332 0562
Strona WWW:
Latitude: -18.0580134, Longitude: 178.4574736
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Komentarze 5

  • Aryan Singh

    Aryan Singh


    Awesome place to be.i celebrated my son's birthday there and my children totally loved it

  • Prince Bhavik

    Prince Bhavik


    Did not stay in any of the rooms but just came and spent time having coffee with friends. The place is stunning and is a delight to enjoy a timeout there. I had food once but cannot remember since it was quite a while ago.

  • Sanjeet Chand

    Sanjeet Chand


    This place is nice and cosy but it has flies and mosquitoes because its located beside the lake and dense jungle, if you are planning to go there do take inspect repellent.

  • Sherah Casparius

    Sherah Casparius


    Beautiful! Amazing, kind staff and adorable place, perfectly aligned with nature. Great food, hospitable people, got to kayak around the little pond with my daughter. Didn't have Fijian cash on me, but staff was very accommodating! Even arranged transportation for me for the morning. Budget room was tiny with a bunk bed but and a full sized bed, not bad for the price. Not a modern place, but i was searching for something rustic and earthy anyways. They even gave us food to feed the fish in the pond! Just what I was looking for 🌿

  • Kim Steele

    Kim Steele


    Straight up lovely. The views, the atmosphere and the staff were all exactly as I'd want from a rainforest retreat. The food is excellent, and it's so lovely to eat it at the edge of the lake. They serve the largest 'small' plunger of coffee I've ever had-- especially good for me as I'm definitely a caffeine fiend! Even the resident cat who lives under the restaurant is nice-- doesn't bug you too much, knows how to politely take the food from your fingers, and will even curl up by your feet if she likes you. I booked a budget room, which was upstairs and had double-door access to the verandah, which had a nice view of the pond. The room was standard, and included a fridge and ceiling fan, but what elevated it for me was the afternoon light reflected from the pond that streamed in each afternoon. Magical! The staff are very helpful, I enjoyed a trip into the national park, and a kayak around the lake with their help. The waitstaff are also top notch, quick with your order and your food. Would visit again!

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