MHCC i Suva

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Suva, Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 766 0095
Latitude: -18.1384821, Longitude: 178.4256025
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Kommentar 5

  • srividhya g

    srividhya g


    During my stay in Fiji I have visited this place many times. From a Fiji perspective I would give it four stars. The pace of development is very slow and the place got very crowded during our later days. The parking situation is quite bad. Cleanliness can be improved. The place had given me a hand when I struggled to find stuff that I needed and sometimes surprised me beyond expectations. Fiji still has a long way to go in terms of facilities and this place too.

  • Pratish Raj

    Pratish Raj


    Nice place to hang out and do bit of shopping. Nice eateries available.

  • Camari Waqawai

    Camari Waqawai


    Very convenient.. one stop shop...I just buy everything I needed all at one place.

  • Salaseini Ratuvuku

    Salaseini Ratuvuku


    Great opening hours. Variety of goods. Good dining areas.

  • Sale Tubuna

    Sale Tubuna


    Its a perfect rendezvous for all types of people,they can get to enjoy shopping on the 1st floor and enjoy varieties of local cuisines on the 2nd floor........not much if compared to overseas malls but its at least something. 👌👍

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