MH i Suva - City Center

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Rodwell Road, Suva - City Center, Rewa, FJ Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679
Latitude: -18.136036, Longitude: 178.4256238
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Kommentar 5

  • Ajendra Pratap

    Ajendra Pratap


    The MH supermarket is located just opposite the Suva Municipal market and is in a convenient location. However, it does have a hygiene problem, particularly with the meat section. The chopped meat or meat pieces are cut in a very unhygienic manner with flies even inside the supermarket. I would prefer to have my chicken cut at home. Also on the shelve was expired product (yoghurt) that was overdue by a few days, but nevertheless out of date. The supermarket needs to check their products to ensure no expired products are sold at the shop. The manager of the shop needs to be more vigilant and a general clean up is required.

  • Sathira Fernando

    Sathira Fernando


    In the heart of the city. Convenient.

  • Kwillen Depaune

    Kwillen Depaune


    Great place

  • Shalen Prakash

    Shalen Prakash


  • Rajesh Tahal

    Rajesh Tahal



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