Kundan Singh Supermarket i Suva

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192, Princess Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 337 0107
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: -18.1145674, Longitude: 178.4385172
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Kommentar 5

  • Tupou Browne

    Tupou Browne


    They've now included a strip of restaurants and hair salon opposite the supermarket which is Great!!

  • Garth Wooding

    Garth Wooding


    Great Thai restaurant and coffe shop and pizza place.

  • Randy Batista Rodriguez

    Randy Batista Rodriguez


    This place is good, the supermarket is very expensive and you cannot find everything you need. I prefer the food in the restaurants there.

  • shabeen Ali

    shabeen Ali


    Amazingly, it's groceries are priced lower than the other stores during few of my visits and comparisons. Staff is friendly and eager to help out. Convenient parking and is a very relaxed shopping atmosphere. If you have extra time and wish to be away from the crowded supermarkets, this is a great spot to shop and fuel up at!!

  • Darran'n'Mue Fisher

    Darran'n'Mue Fisher


    This is a great little shop and service station where you can get most of your groceries. Thy also have a liquor outlet. They have recently added a an extension on the other side of their carpark and it now includes a new service station outlet and bakery. It also has a Tai restaurant, bakery/deli, fish & chip shop and a pizza outlet. It’s a good little spot to have meetings at if you don’t like going into the city.

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