Home Finance Company Ltd i Suva - City Center

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371, Victoria Parade, Suva - City Center, Rewa, FJ Fidschi
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 6555
Hjemmeside: www.hfc.com.fj
Latitude: -18.1438134, Longitude: 178.4236139
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Kommentar 5

  • Ashika Kumar

    Ashika Kumar


    Coz it gave the information I needed

  • ksriti prasad

    ksriti prasad


    if i could i would give negative stars ...NAKASI BRANCH -KIRTTY SINGH she is the worst customer service staff . i went to the branch to open an account she she was at cust inquiries totally ignored me ...was on the phone (personal) i waited for 1 hour. not organised i had to wait for her to finish on the phone before she could serve me. she gave me documents over documents to sign than she said soor wrong documents.!!! i got so frustrated by the end of 2 hours that i left ....if you want to waste your time than go to this BANK !!!!!

  • Sharmila Kumari

    Sharmila Kumari


    There are two ladies at the first floor of the hfc bank (victoria parade suva branch) and we are here for about 30 mins and having no customer around, all we can see is these two going out somewhere ,smiling and coming back one after the other. When are we expecting to get the service then? Simply hopeless service, time wasting staff .

  • Evelyn Kumar

    Evelyn Kumar


    Hopeless service. Staff does not seem to know their job. Pathetic in providing feedback. Takes 7months for settlement on home loan.




    love the environment and friendly working staff at the hfc bank best bank

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