Hare Krishna Restaurant i Suva

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16 Pratt St, Suva, Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 4154
Latitude: -18.1394666, Longitude: 178.4245821
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Kommentar 5

  • Prasann Patel

    Prasann Patel


  • Suzie Ledua

    Suzie Ledua


    Always love the egg plant and potato curries from here but its also a good spot for vegetarian curries any day! There's a wide range of indian sweets too to compliment your meal. I had the rasgulas and they just melt in your mouth :)

  • Tom Rodgers

    Tom Rodgers


    One of only two purely vegetarian (not vegan) restaurants franchises in Suva. This place is hidden away and not that easy to find. Once you do find it, there are usually some tables free and the staff are quite friendly and the food? good.

  • Sandesh Bhagat

    Sandesh Bhagat


    Friendly staff. Good vegetarian food. Good ice cream selection. Would go again.

  • Tom Singh

    Tom Singh


    Good vegetarian options

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