Embassy of the United States i Suva

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158 Princess Road, Tamavua, Suva, Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 4466
Hjemmeside: fj.usembassy.gov
Latitude: -18.1169364, Longitude: 178.43959
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Kommentar 5

  • John Isaako

    John Isaako


    Rude customer service! I set a appointment for my dad to do his Visa and they told him up front to leave cause his Visa wasn't going to get approved. I paid my dad and my mom's air fair and all expanses from Samoa to be in Fiji to get a Visa because i wanted to see my dad before i get deploy to Syria. All the money went to waste and I'll be lucky if i see them again. It broke my heart that they did this to him. Its been 5 years ive been in the State's and i haven't seen my parent's. My mind isn't set for this deployment because of this. I just wish i was there when they told my parents off 😡😡😡

  • Ra Gutugutuwai

    Ra Gutugutuwai


    Trump is ruining America for Americans.

  • Veronica Nand

    Veronica Nand


    Very poor service. I was repeatedly transferred to an automated service after speaking to a live operator. I called several times, asking the operator to please transfer my call to a live agent & he continued to transfer my call to the same automated service. I have been sending emails, since November of 2016 & no one has bothered to respond. Your operator is incompetent & very lazy.

  • Helen Foster

    Helen Foster


    Visa service very efficient.

  • Jamie Wheatley

    Jamie Wheatley


    Very fast didn't have to wait long

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