Dorothy's Kitchen i Suva

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Princes Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 338 5427
Latitude: -18.1080483, Longitude: 178.4424181
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Kommentar 5

  • Rumaana Vualiku

    Rumaana Vualiku


    The pizza here is greaaaat.

  • Salote Malani Maiwiriwiri

    Salote Malani Maiwiriwiri


    You have to try this

  • Stuart Hinckley

    Stuart Hinckley


    Food is terrible. Service is terrible. They charge extra for a pair of chopsticks. Pathetic. Go somewhere else

  • Temesia Manuel

    Temesia Manuel


    I love their food. They have great size of pizza and also an amazing variety of Chinese food. There food are always packed nicely. The dishes are reasonable. From shrimp seas food to chicken and vegetarian

  • Sathira Fernando

    Sathira Fernando


    I don't remember, but the noodles I bought were great. Had a healthy portion of veggies and a considerable amount of meat. Tastes home cooked, Not that it is an issue. Also bought the fried rice along with it, nothing wrong except a little bit too much of oil.

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