Dogfather i Suva

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Suva, Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679
Latitude: -18.1454717, Longitude: 178.4478569
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Kommentar 5

  • Jose Luis Esteves de Sousa

    Jose Luis Esteves de Sousa


    Normally no complaints but disappointed today, it was very clear I arrived before 7pm - so during the happy hour - but when the waiter brought me the bill he wanted to charge full price for a schooner... he even brought the drinks menu to show me the price and didn't give me a receipt... after I complained he immediately corrected but I can't help thinking he tried to take advantage of the fact I'm a foreigner and he certainly thought I was a tourist... which is not the case.

  • Jim Tora

    Jim Tora


    An okay kinda place. Food about pricey though. Great service

  • hiye94 m

    hiye94 m


    Great price........

  • Malena Babb

    Malena Babb


    Amazing place to hang out and drink beers with friends, after work. Happy Hour is from 5pm to 7pm

  • tom l

    tom l


    A Fijian sports bar. A great happy hour special everyday from 4-7 pm with schooners of beer for $7 and wine for $4.50. Also had a pretty good patio.

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