De Vos on the Park i Suva

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1 Central Street Regal Lane, Suva, Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 330 5005
Latitude: -18.1392689, Longitude: 178.4228564
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Kommentar 5

  • sarah blair

    sarah blair


    Worst place I've ever stayed in, had cockroaches, bugs. The sheets on the beds were yellowish and stained l, cleanliness of the rooms was just horrible, we told the managers so many times yet they still did nothing, it was so bad we bought bleach and cleaned it ourselves because they did nothing about it, when we booked they told us nothing about the renovations going on and the elevator was so bad, most of the time it wasn't working and we had to walk up 5 levels of stairs, We had things go missing as well... would never stay in this place again.

  • Shanjivan Padarath

    Shanjivan Padarath


    FOOD POISONING! That's all you need to know about this place. I was part of a workshop just this week at this dreadful place which should be named De Worst on the Park! Our entire entourage ends up having food poisoning on the third day and we are locals! Don't even get me started in anything else. Rooms are pathetic, conference centre are a joke, no parking, and on and on and on. AVOID at all costs!

  • Mayashwari Narayan

    Mayashwari Narayan


    This hotel is the old YWCA building which is dirty inside and outside. Beddings were filthy and stained. Sheets and pillow had hairs on it had to have everything changed. Broken air conditioning and a broken fan in the room. No bath mat no hand or face towel, no hair drier, a lift that did not work properly. Sofas stained and dirty. Definitely not worth the price they charge

  • Alex Trempus

    Alex Trempus


    The absolute worst hotel experience. The building is run down, the elevator is unsafe, ant infestation in our room. Add in dirty sheets and black mold in the bathroom - I wouldn't recommend this hotel to my worst enemy.

  • Angelo Polimeno

    Angelo Polimeno


    Terrible place. I had to check out on the second day and cut short my stay there as the place is very dirty, the bed and the room so dusty that triggered my dust-mites allergy. The day I checked out another couple also checked out as they had been assaulted by bed bugs during the night and they had bugs all over the body. The hotel is terribly rundown.

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