Daily Care Dental i Suva

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Shop 34 South Mall,, Rodwell Road, Suva, Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 943 7495
Hjemmeside: dailycaredental.webs.com
Latitude: -18.134886, Longitude: 178.426069
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Kommentar 3

  • Dheeraj Chand

    Dheeraj Chand


    The cheapest price for treatment . I used to go to a dentist where pull out price for teeth was $200 and it was very painful. Just recently one friend recommended me to daily care dental and I went to get my tooth pulled out. The dentist was very friendly I didn't even feel the injection and pull out part. I was given free medicine for post extraction pains and all these wonderful things for only $20. Thank you daily care dental the best in the country.

  • rodof8818 8818

    rodof8818 8818


    I came to the dental clinic at about 4:15pm and front staff (two people) said the dentist was busy and to come back. I told them I would be back at 5pm. I came back exactly at 5pm and everyone had already left. To add to this the "cleaner" was just finishing and kicked me out. He was very rude. I have been to many dental clinics and never had an experience like this.

  • Ponipate Cevailagi

    Ponipate Cevailagi


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