CWM Hospital i Suva

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Extension Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 3444
Latitude: -18.1351362, Longitude: 178.4350491
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Kommentar 5

  • Ireen Naidu

    Ireen Naidu


    Such Poor Service. I went to Urology Department. Such long line. They call your name to join another line. Nurses have no manners esp. the Indian looking ones, cant speak in English properly, so rude and lazy.

  • Eileen Kumar

    Eileen Kumar


    modern extensions for burns unit and icu and cardiology, the Lancaster ward should be closed not up to standard this hospital is a work in progress I've been here several times they try hard with limited resources

  • angie prabha

    angie prabha


    disgraceful , patients are left waiting for nurses assistance ,seen first hand , red code or emergency trolley not prepared and during emergency seen nurses running to get the stuff but it becomes too late than. I feel the sister in charge should educate the staff for better practice . when patients require nurse , reply they are busy or short staff ,while some of them have seen sitting in nurse station talking. patient care is very poor it is very sad to see that some of our loved ones are scared to raise their voice ,or to complain to senior staff . nurses have no knowledge of infection control , they hardly wash their hands between patients only seen applying the sanitazier . i feel nurses in this hospital should have internal education from time to time and sister in charge should oversee that all wards are clean and nurses practising proper infection control . sister in charge is responsible to implement wards policy procedures for staff . its 'sad to see this hospital s patient care and service is so poor . health minister should have regular visit to see the standards of some the equipments .

  • Darshani Singh

    Darshani Singh


    Veri pathetic service and very slow in looking after means services are to be quick not to wait in line and wait for response from one ofthe staffs.wether its a monday or sunday or services should be open even scanning and not that when the patient comes and they say we will collect a number of patients and than u wil go.its better to die at home than to come to CWM

  • Sam Nguyen

    Sam Nguyen


    A killer hospital. People walk to the hospital and end up dying or with serious medications complications. The hospital requires cultural change. Doctors from FNU are untrained with lack of basic skills. Talk to only 5 patients to know more about this place

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