Cost U Less Super Market i Suva

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Suva, Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 331 5915
Latitude: -18.1474805, Longitude: 178.4475808
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Kommentar 5

  • Deepak Narayan

    Deepak Narayan


    Great place for the shopping. Nice environment.

  • Brooks Kirkbride

    Brooks Kirkbride


    Fiji’s an island nation....without a website showing in stock items this foundering company is loosing huge potential business....

  • Paul Moshna

    Paul Moshna


    great range big size supermarket. one of the biggest around. they have plenty overseas goods and food that you would hardly find in other supermakets.

  • Titilia Kunahau

    Titilia Kunahau


    It's offers a wide range of products from indoor to outdoor activities, home appliances including the kitchen, groceries and much more! Their products are not found in local shops. Good for those buying in bulk. But when you're after an item and it's out of stock, it takes awhile for the next consignment. It's a great place to shop though!

  • Sekaia Niumataiwalu

    Sekaia Niumataiwalu


    Great place for shopping. Fiji's only warehouse. Has it all. From camping material, to exercise sets, clothes, toys and food. Perfect for those looking for gift ideas on Christmas

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