Christian Mission Fellowship International i Nasinu

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Kings Road, Nasinu, Rewa, FJ Fiji
Kontakter telefon: +679 339 8901
Latitude: -18.101091, Longitude: 178.4723287
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Kommentar 5

  • Sainimili Seniloli

    Sainimili Seniloli


    My home church ❤

  • Takeetai Enterprises

    Takeetai Enterprises



  • Sailasa Toroca

    Sailasa Toroca


    It is a landmark in the South Pacific being the biggest church with an auditorium that can seat 3500 people.

  • Yavalanavanua Mosese

    Yavalanavanua Mosese


    Awesome place to hear the Gospel

  • Leon Nelson

    Leon Nelson


    Wonderful and very happy and hopeful experience in this last seventh year to be a born again believer. I just want to thank God and my church family for how my life can change from being in and out of prison and into so much drugs,alcohol and immorality to having this new blessed life of faith in Christ Jesus. And I really want to thank God also for giving us WHBN the family of network here at the World Harvest Center. May Gods blessings keeps on giving us all this great hope.

Nærmeste Kirke:

Kinoya Assembly of God

Kings Rd, Kinoya, Velau Drive, Suva
churchLæs mere

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