Cakes 2000 Ltd Fiji i Suva

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Salato Road, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 332 2999
Latitude: -18.110944, Longitude: 178.447988
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Kommentar 5

  • Mamu Paza

    Mamu Paza


    We checked Google If the Shop located in Salato Is Still Open And The Time That was posted there said that the Shop is still open and it will be at service up till 10:30pm So we went up to the Shop at 6:2pm But the Shop is already closed....Very disappointing Outcome.. Please Review Whatever that has been posted on the Google so that people like us Customers will not be disappointed. Thanks

  • Kristyn lia

    Kristyn lia


    Do not use this company. Firstly I confirmed an order with them which they ignored. I re emailed them to confirm the order and they advised that if I did not pay in full today they could not confirm that the order will be done. (the wedding is 1 month away) I asked for 2 days to pay and they told me to use another company!! STAY AWAY

  • Rachna Kumari

    Rachna Kumari


    Pathetic service. the staffs are not aware about the price of the cake , i placed the order twice via telephone,when went to pick the cake, the order was not recorded

  • Majid Shahzad

    Majid Shahzad


    It was awesome Cakes Quality and service experience. They're one of the best Cakes baker in Fiji Islands.

  • Tanya Rokotuiwakaya

    Tanya Rokotuiwakaya


    Amazing cake, lovely service. I needed two cakes and bouncy castle and the we're able to fill all my requests

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