Holiday Inn Suva i Suva

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Victoria Parade, Suva, Rewa, FJ Fiyi
Kontakter telefon: +679 330 1600
Latitude: -18.145519, Longitude: 178.422667
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Kommentar 5

  • Eminoni Leweniqila

    Eminoni Leweniqila


    I 😊always enjoyed staying here whenever I pop into the city of Suva. As expected, friendly staff, always willing to assist and most of all the food here is awesome. I still remember the old restaurant but after the renovation...woooow!!😮Sirocco Restaurant is probably the best place to stop by anytime of the day for a meal. I always try to have breakfast whenever I'm in and I always say "if they are this good at breakfast then they must be great at lunch and dinner".

  • Akansha Kumari

    Akansha Kumari


    Its is a great place to enjoy and near Thurston garden and it has great bar near the pool to just relax. The service is good

  • Rui Gama

    Rui Gama


    Can't say more about management, top quality, although the outside restaurant has very poor service, we watched long term guests being served for half an hour until someone asked us what we wanted. Avoid seafood pizza, what they call crab is the fake Alaska crab that has never seen crab.

  • Louise Exley

    Louise Exley


    Great place to stay. My room was excellent and overlooked the pool. The staff were so friendly and helpful. Breakfast bar was very good.

  • Temesia Manuel

    Temesia Manuel


    Holiday inn is just simply the best for any time of hangout. You’ve got indoor and outdoor. You have pizza to finger foods and also 3 course meals at their amazing restaurant. It’s clean and the customer service is amazing. It’s easy to find cabs and parking is awesome. Great sunsets if that’s the kinda thing you like to watch and band nights are a plus!!!

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